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The Library At 221 B Baker Street

The Granada Series

I won't rate each one individually because to me they are all good. There are none that I would rate anything other than 4 stars
The Eligible Bachelor
The twists in some of these, no matter how well I come to know Holmes, never cease to surprise me
The Creeping Man
Quite a disturbing tale if you really stop and think about it, but I am afraid I could really see it happening
The Master Blackmailer
I liked this one especially the very end
The Last Vampyre
I may very well be the one of the few people who really likes this one. Though I can't see how they got all of this 2 hour one from that short story.
The Illustrious Client
It only shows just how far lies can get someone.
Shoscombe Old Place
I didn't quite get the part about Jasper..........he did go after the carriage, I have had dogs and that made no sense to me. Shoscombe Prince was simply stunning to look at
The Boscombe Valley Mystery
I have seen other versions of this with Peter Cushing. Difficult to say what I like best
The Problem Of Thor Bridge
Sometimes Doyles tales are very sinister in nature
Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax
Lovely setting, beautiful lake scenery, perfectly depressing story
Wisteria Lodge
Well the Granada series surely toned this one down to a palatable taste. Aside from some parts I liked this one
Silver Blaze
What little experience I have with horses helped me to appreciate this one more that I might have otherwise.
The Devil's Foot
I loved the setting of this and the bit of twist I had not really expected. I always love it when Holmes goes off on another subject as well as the obvious
The Greek Interpreter
I finally met Mycroft and I must say I like him. Man much of the same qualities I daresay I possess
The Copper Beeches
I liked this one. The ending was not quite how I imagined it
A Scandal In Bohemia
This is what I fell in love with and the shimmer of the candlelight still enchants me
The Dancing Men
This one had me till the end
The Naval Treaty
I never saw that end coming
The Solitary Cyclist
Not one of my favorites but still enjoyable
The Crooked Man
I really rather liked this one quite a bit
The Speckled Band
I love it when I am prompted to go back to the book where something is referenced and find it and hunt down the explanation
The Norwood Builder
How can you not love secret rooms
The Resident Patient
I liked the deception to Trevelyan though I thought it could have been fleshed out a bit more. All the characters could have been
The Blue Carbuncle
In this rare instance I like the book version better
The Six Napoleons
Subtitles would have been helpful but aside from that I liked this one
The Man With The Twisted Lip
I enjoyed this one and it got me to thinking what kind of trouble someone could get into doing that
The Abbey Grange
One of my favorites
Hound Of The Baskervilles
As close as there is, at least till now, to the original. A most definite watch
The Dying Detective
Excellent on both Brett and Hardwicke's acting here, I really had thought Holmes had come down with it for a while
The Golden Pince-Nez
Always have a hard time pronouncing this one, but I do love it
The Red Circle
They had me going until they told me she was in that room
The Mazarin Stone
Combining two stories into one can sometimes go very wrong but that is not the case here. Even without my beloved Jeremy in most of it, I still really really liked this one.
The Cardboard Box
It breaks my heart it had to end, but it ended very well. Rest In Peace my beloved Jeremy, thank you for the most excellent Holmes I have ever seen.
The Red-Headed League
I like the acting here, top notch but I just don't like the story itself. Never have
The Final Problem
It deviates only slightly away from the story. I think a few of the details should have been left
The Empty House
Here I liked the novel better, but obviously Granada showed more emotion
The Priory School
I have to give this one to the novel, lots of details were changed
The Second Stain
I am glad the series omitted that tacky scene with Lady Hilda. I wish they had not left out the bee keeping detail though
The Musgrave Ritual
I really like the way Watson was much more a part of this than in the novel
The Bruce Partington Plans
Hmmm to me it is a tie, the Granada or the story. Both have some lines that I love
Sign Of The Four
Liked the book far more than any of the screen adaptations I have seen.
The Three Gables
Here was where I fell in love with Gary Cady

She blogged she was done reviewing the series, but she will never be done watching me
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