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Adult Fiction
Chronicles Of The Antichrist by J.M. Harrison4/18/2018
Book Review

Good enough to make you think of things you may never have thought of. I liked it well enough to want another and to recommend it for anyone looking for a more political story more than the title might suggest.
Cover Review

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In A Cream Packard {Throckmorton Family # 1} by Edward Hackemer
Book Review

Well for a little one from the 70's this was a fascinating trip back in time. I can't tell you how many times I ended up online looking stuff up - admittedly women's fashions :)
It is a light and delightful read, I highly recommend it
Cover Review

For a car buff this would be an excellent cover
The Fryeburg Chronicles Book I by June O'Donal
Book Review
This was a easy way to spend an afternoon, I liked the story it was very upbeat mostly, the only real problem I had was the historical footnotes, I just got kinda lost with them. I would have much preferred the actual note right there. You need an understanding of early colonial times in America to really be able to enjoy this one as just a light read. I would really recommend it though. I think it would also go well as a full animated feature for a time piece to be shown in a history class for children. Not to say this is a children's book but I think young ones would benefit from it
Cover Review

I really like the cover a lot

Factor Man by Matt Ginsberg
Book Review

The ending took place literally about 2 miles from where I type now. I could see it really happening. Anyone following my progress knows the techy stuff was way beyond me, but once you get past that the story itself is fun. Fast paced page turning that never bores you. Highly recommended.
Cover Review

The cover expresses well what the content inside is.
Sea Jade by Phyllis A. Whitney
Book Review

Kept you in suspense till the last few pages. A gothic romance with all the proper elements. Very highly recommended
Cover Review
I have the original cover so this review is for that

Ondine by Shannon Drake
Book Review

That took a bit of a twist I didn't expect. This one is fun and takes you right back to 1680, even if you do put it down. Highly recommended. for an action packed sometimes erotic romance
Cover Review

Deseré: A Love Story of the American South
Maria McKenzie
Book Review

Wow I could have gone through that one, if my reading time allowed, in one day nonstop. It is a beautiful story. Fast paced, romance and drama. I highly recommend it
Cover Review
You don't have to imagine how beautiful Desere is, she is on the cover. Excellent artwork

Robert Oliver
Book Review

OK, I cried in the end. I would highly highly highly recommend this to anyone who has lost. This will help
Cover Review

Through The Bookstore Window
Bill Petrocelli
Book Review

Everything was fine until I read "Morries Room". I lost it after that, I had not realized I had become so emotionally involved. This is by no mean a lite read but its most definitely worth the read. It got me right in the gut
Cover Review

The Beauty Of The Fall
Rich Marcello
Book Review

I kinda got lost pretty early on with this one and never really managed to get un-lost. I just couldn't connect with any of the characters
Cover Review

A Place Called Schugara
Joe English
Book Review

Cover Review
I think its a very cute cover

Our Frail Disordered Lives
Mary M. Schmidt
Book Review

I am not sure if the author intended this to be as humorous as I found it to be, I laughed out-loud a few times
Cover Review
I like the cover, I think it is meant to be looking deep inside yourself.

My Fight For My Family
David Jordan
Book Review

This one really makes you stop and think. Maybe too much thinking. Its not an easy read so be prepared with tissues.
Cover Review
I think the cover really says much about the content. Not to say one should judge a book by its cover but this one I think is done well

Book Review

This one is really quite lovely and the images are just as beautiful. A definite something to take along for the ride to work
Cover Review

Absolute Proof
Peter James

Book Review
This one grabbed my attention from the beginning. Love the premise. This was my first time with Peter James and I enjoyed it a great deal. The characters I thought were well developed and the pace was quick and kept your attention.
Very much recommended
Cover Review

I adore the cover.
Ask No Mercy
Martin Osterdahl
Book Review

This one is going right next to my other globe hopping novels. I really enjoyed being sucked into different times and places, I love the details to scenes and descriptions. I would highly recommend this one for some time needed to get away and a very well written story.
Cover Review

The Last Straw {Pigeon-Blood Red Book 2}
Ed Duncan
Book Review

For a fan of mafia movies this is a must. It wasn't a gory, at least to my taste, crime read. I have read alot gorier. If your in a crime mood and don't want to watch a movie then this an excellent option for a good way to spend some time
Cover Review

Of Love And Deception
{Tainted Love Saga Book 1}
Kayla Lowe
Book Review

This one took me in at the first few pages. For those who will love to the bottom of their heart and then think, this is for you. Its a serious book about a real problem facing the world of today.
Cover Review

I think this is one of the cutest covers I have seen.
George Putnam
Book Review

This one took me a bit to really get into but when I did I thought it was amazing. Being a crime fancier I really enjoyed this one and really I think it would be good as a film. Solid writing and plot.
Cover Review

She Has A Broken Thing Where Her Heart Should Be
J.D. Barker
Book Review

This one is an epic read well worth the time invested to read the 700 plus pages of it. It took me a while but I wanted to savor it slowly and its incredible. There are several plots going on here and I surely don't want to give the endings away, but if you want a really good long read this one will not disappoint you.
Cover Review

In Ora: The Land Of The Superior
Sotto Voce
Book Review

This one broke my heart. Really, its been along time since I have gotten so emotionally attached to characters. I laughed, I cried - alot, I was angry, I was shocked from time to time but mostly I suppose considering the world we live in today I see it as a real possibility. This is great movie making material. I would highly recommend.
Cover Review

Oblivion At Tranquil Manor
Charlotte L. Sowers
Book Review

This is a charming read.
The gardens, the tea, the beautiful Victorian homes.
Everything you could want if that is your cup of tea. An excellent way to curl up with your favorite blanket, pillow, and pot of tea and spend a dreamy weekend.
Cover Review

Somehow it looks just a touch too modern, but other than that is is very cute
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