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Great Ghost Stories - Dover Thrift Edition
Bram Stoker, Charles Dickens, Ambrose Bierce & More
Book Review

Some of the stories were very creepy, one or two actually chilling. Overall a nice little collection everyone should own. For the price you can't go wrong
Cover Review

I have seen creepier looking covers but its still nice
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The Ash Tree by M.R. James

Book Review
I caught a BBC version of this with Christopher Lee doing it, I suppose 'nuff said. I loved it.
Even aside from the obvious it was a great little tale, it conjured up images that got into my dreams.
The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow & Other Stories
Washington Irving
Book Review
I really liked this little one and again for the price you can not go wrong, even if there is something in it you might not love to pieces.

Cover Review
I really really like this cover

Complete Stories And Poems
Edgar Allen Poe
All Poe all in one place, what more could you ask
Book Review

Cover Review
I adore this cover and bought this edition simply because of the cover, there were cheaper ones, but I had to have this one. Yes you see 10 diamonds there. :)

Blessing Of Luna Wolf Gods #1
Blaise Ramsay
Book Review

I liked this one, but to be completely honest I am more of a Vampire lover. I would highly recommend this one to any lover of Werewolves or for those who are maybe fence sitters as to where to place their loyalties. Lots of action, lots of lovemaking. If I loved Werewolves more than I do, I would have been in ecstasy over this one. I will still give this one a 5 star even though it was not my cup of tea, it is still a very great book
Cover Review
I would have liked to see his face as well, but she is very pretty though

Unearthed After Sunset Cereus Vampire Chronicle # 1
Lauryn April
Book Review

I thought at first it was going to be just another Twilight, honestly it kept that pace for a bit but then something changed and it turned out to be a really good story
Cover Review

Carmilla And The Vampyre
J. Sheridan LeFanu & John Polidori
Book Review
I bought this one because it has my favorites in it, so naturally I love it

Cover Review
I don't care for the cover

Of Lords and Commoners (Lords and Commoners #1)
Lynne Hill-Clark
Book Review

I am not sure how I would really classify this one. Not really Vampire but is, not really historical but is. Lavish very much, likeable characters yes. I love this one and would highly recommend it.
Cover Review

Book Review

This is not quite what I was looking for but that is just me, I would highly recommend this for any nautical horror shelf. A nice collection. I was just looking for something more 1800's.
Cover Review
The cover is gorgeous.

Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
Book Review

If you are going to have a few days of bad weather and you are wanting a seriously atmospheric Vampire horror story then you won't be disappointed to have this in your pile to read. This should be in everyone's collection sitting right where it should be on one side or the other of Dracula.
Cover Review

I really don't like the jacket but the hardcover underneath is gorgeous
Vintage Vampire Classics by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Fergus Hume, Louisa May Alcott and Others
Book Review

I like this one over-all, one to add to any horror shelf
Cover Review

I really love the cover
Sandy Benitez
Book Review

This one is hard to put down once you start it, it takes you in right off. The vivid descriptions were like you were really there, not many can achieve that...............I mean close your eyes and you are there. An excellent way to spend some good vampire time
Cover Review

I really are this cover, to me its right next to my copies of Dracula and Poe........I got those particular versions because of the covers.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Book Review

Wow, I thought Erik {Phantom Of The Opera} had the corner market on self loathing and unspeakable depths of despair. Victor and his "Creation" sink you down to the depths with them. Its perfectly depressing and not really something lighthearted to read at all. Its not the gore fest you see in Hollywood, its not scary at all. Overall though its perfect classic horror literature, the kind that requires you to think and use your own imagination, a must for any fan of the genre. Hollywood you have lied to me.......................again.
Cover Review
I picked this up to read the story and not for the cover because I really don't like the version I have, so now I have read it and love it, I am off in search of a better cover

Book Review

This is a fun modern collection of shorts, just a few but they are fun. Perhaps just a bit too descriptive for my taste in horror but if your OK with that then this is a fun way to spend a rainy afternoon, which I did. Not overly gory or anything, there is though adult language in it.
Cover Review
The cover reminds me of many times I have seen this design in older horror flicks

Victor Hugo
Book Review

Very descriptive, I thought it was a bit boring in the beginning but it really picked up in the middle. Of the classics this was up there with the best. A must read for anyone who love classic descriptive literature. I cried at the end.
Cover Review
I adore the cover

Lucas Hault
Book Review

This one should sit up high on the horror shelf.
If you like the "good old ones" then this if for you. Written in the style of Shelley and Stoker, this is refreshing to see this style of writing in this day and age.
Highly recommended.
Cover Review

This is a great cover.
Book Review

This is Sleepy Hollow for adults, it has a few twists and turns in it, I was flabbergasted at the end and left wondering if there is to be a sequel?
Definitely a read for Halloween with some good candles or a fireplace on
Very highly recommended to sit right next to Sleepy Hollow and other Autumn reads.
Cover Review

This is an awesome cover, you really have to look at the details in it.
Book Review

This is fun.
A jolly romp through England and America at the turn of the century. Not too gruesome, witty and page turning.
The typos don't interfere with the well thought out story. If you love the 1800's this is one for you - all the characters we love are here.
Cover Review
This is how I think of vampires

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