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Edgar Allen Poe
...Quoth The Raven
The Fall Of The House Of Usher
Always a creepy little delight. Has everything you could want in a classic horror/ghost story.

The Black Cat
Tomb Of Ligeia
Vincent Price, Elizabeth Shepherd
I love the movie, how can anyone not love Vincent Price. Though I ask myself again, they got this movie from that story

This was always a fitting ending to the "tail", in my opinion.

Classic descent into madness brought on by death. Brilliant

Masque Of Red Death
Vincent Price, Hazel Court
How they came to this out of Hope Frog and Masque Of Red Death, I will never get

The Raven
Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff
I love this one but how did they get this story out of those poems

A Descent Into The Maelstrome
A psychological nautical tale to start off my summer reading. It was excellent

The Tell Tale Heart
Reading this was fine but only hearing Vincent Price do it can one fully appreciate it
The Raven
Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff
Now this one is fun and a great watch for Halloween

An Evening With Edgar Allen Poe
Vincent Price
There are nearly no words to describe this masterpiece of theater.

The Assignation
OK I will have to do that one another time again..........I didn't get it.

MS Found In A Bottle
Not really sure about this one, seemed too much for my taste simply a retelling of Descent In A Maelstrom {which I thought was much better}

Mystery Of Marie Roget
Personally I enjoy Dupin. I see without any doubt that Conan Doyle was influenced by Poe. Though I have to say that even if Poe had carried on with Dupin for a full series, unless he took the time to develop the friendship between Dupin his companion, Sherlock still would have been more palatable to the public in general. Poe has a very "artistic pen" that most people would have and still would need a dictionary to understand.

Murders In The Rue Morgue
This was sooooo not like any film I have ever seen of the same title. I loved this and I hated every film I ever saw of it. As I have said on more than one occasion, how did they get those movies out of this story?

William Wilson
I have to say I saw that ending coming but it was still a good trip to the end

The Purloined Letter
I can see why Holmes is more popular clearly again but I still really like Dupin

Hop Frog
Another delicious tale of revenge
The Raven
Vincent Price
Another masterful piece of theater work by a master

The Cask Of Amontillado
I will have to read that one again, I think I missed something crucial

Masque Of Red Death
I have always enjoyed this one

The Pit And The Pendulum
I first heard Vincent Price read this and I thought he did just that great a job, well he did but this is an excellent story of fear and terror without gore that so many modern writers rely on rather than psychological terror, which is much more satisfying. I can not even count how many times I squirmed around reading this one. Excellent

A Tale Of The Ragged Mountains
This one I think is quite haunting in a weird sort of way

The Man Of The Crowd
I might have to do this one again to appreciate the full impact

The Oblong Box
Too many crime stories, I am afraid I caught on pretty early

The Conversation of Eiros And Charmion
Short sweet and to the point. Man is easily humbled

This one I will have to read again to fully enjoy it but as with The Fall of The House Of Usher I could see this becoming a favorite

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